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Dr. Sagi Satyanarayana

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : M.D. MRSH (London), Ph.D., PhD (VTK) in Sanatana Dharma, D.Litt., D.Sc

111 DOCTORATE DEGREEs [D.Sc-12 Universities, D.Litt-25 Universities, PhD-71 Universities] & 180 BOOKS WRITTEN & PUBLISHED- WINNER OF OSCAR AWARD 2021 FOR MOST DOCTRATES EARNED PERSON IN THE WORLD & GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER - The Doctorate Degrees earned as part of this Guinness World Record include the subjects of Spirituality, Astrology, General and Clinical Psychology, Social Sciences and Literature, Alternative Medicine, Yoga & Spirituality, Psychology and Medical Sciences, Vedic Sciences, Yoga Awareness, Medical Astrology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Therapeutic Philosophy, Health and Sciences, Sanatana Dharma and Brahmagnaanam (Wisdom Ultimate)

Profession : Consultant Physician; Dr. Sagi Satyanarayana is personally rendering his valuable services for the benefit of Society as a Physician, Motivational Spiritual Speaker , Astrologer and a phenomenal Author and Social Reformist.

Awards & Accolades : GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS, Bharath Nandi award Received on 14th Jan2022. (Thrice) Doctor of Philosophy (32 Universities), Doctor of Literature (9 Universities), Doctor of Science (5 Universities)

Author : 2nd Guinness World Record was awarded on August 28, 2016, for “Most Books Written by an Individual is 180 Books,” for writing and publishing 180 books between the time period of 5th January 2012 and 28th February 2022.

Guru-Shisya Parampara / SodhSarthi-Guru [Research Guideship] : He has provided research guidance to 3 PhD students from USA and 1 PhD student from India.

TantraShiromani MantraMartand तन्त्रशिरोमणि मन्त्रमार्तण्ड 

Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : PhD [VTK] in TANTRA SPIRITUALISM; Mantra Vidhya Vishwarad,Mantra Shastracharya;Mantra Martand; Graduate in Hindi; Post-Graduate in Hindi & English;

He has 25+ years of working experience in the field of Tantra and Mantra

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Tantra Studies"

Awards & Accolades : He was conferred with ‘GLOBAL TANTRA EXCELLANCE Award’ during International Conference on Vedic and Tantric Sciences (19th December 2018) for this outstanding contribution in the field of Tantra and particularly for his research work on 'Tantra Necromancy'.

Author : 'Tantra Necromancy' (2018), Dictionary of Tantra, Yantra & Mahapithas (2023).

Guru-Shishya Parampara : He is actively following the Tantric Guru-Shishya Parampara. Currently, he has 10 Tantra Disciples (shishyas) including shishyas from Spain, USA, Australia who are learning Tantra from him.

Vedavigyan Acharya वेदविज्ञान आचार्य, Kundalini-Kriya Yoga Acharya कुण्डलिनी क्रिया योग आचार्य Jyotish Acharya ज्योतिष आचार्य

Dr. Paul McCarthy (Atma Dharmindra)

Country : Japan

Education : PhD [VTK] in TANTRA SPIRITUALISM; Mantra Vidhya Vishwarad,Mantra Shastracharya;Mantra Martand; Graduate in Hindi; Post-Graduate in Hindi & English;

He has 25+ years of working experience in the field of Tantra and Mantra

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Tantra Studies"

Awards & Accolades : He was conferred with ‘GLOBAL TANTRA EXCELLANCE Award’ during International Conference on Vedic and Tantric Sciences (19th December 2018) for this outstanding contribution in the field of Tantra and particularly for his research work on 'Tantra Necromancy'.

Author : 'Tantra Necromancy' (2018), Dictionary of Tantra, Yantra & Mahapithas (2023).

Guru-Shishya Parampara : He is actively following the Tantric Guru-Shishya Parampara. Currently, he has 10 Tantra Disciples (shishyas) including shishyas from Spain, USA, Australia who are learning Tantra from him.